On March 4th at the Republican Library K. Bayalinov will be hosted presentation of the book “The Boy Who Spoke to the Earth” for the primary school children. That became a starting point for this educational website.

The Independent Publisher Book Award awarded a book for Children’s Books with Pictures (All ages). The book written by landscape photographer Chris Burkard and illustrated by Disney Interactive artist David McClellan. The book was published for children of Kyrgyzstan with the ability to read a work in their native language, since today there is very little literature in Kyrgyz. This is one of the books that will help children learn the culture of reading from an early age. It is also with English text in parallel, which can help in learning a new language. Books available in libraries in all regions of the country. “The Boy Who Spoke to the Earth” is a story about a boy who asks the Earth where he can find happiness. Earth responds and sends the boy on a trip to different places with unique nature, which the Earth is most proud of. In the end, the boy learns that happiness is harder to find than he expected.

The book and this website became possible as part of the Book Translation program of the US Embassy in Kyrgyzstan. The goal of this program is to strengthen the publishing industries capacity, by increasing information literacy, promoting a culture of reading among youth and young professionals.